Monday, June 10, 2019

2019 Summer Update

I posted two videos to YouTube about the universe being a virtual reality. If those videos can gain any traction and lead to views and subscribers I'll do more; if not I won't. So watch, like, comment, share, and subscribe to my youtube channel to help the videos gain some momentum. The two videos are an experiment to see what happens if I try to cast a wider net.

The only other news is that The Undreaming Chronicles (Books Two, Three, Four): The Library of Time, Into the Unconscious, and Forgiving the Human Robot are available in paperback as one book in black and white. The first book in the series, Revelations from the Holy Planet (The Undreaming Chronicles, Book One), remains available as a paperback in color.

There are a few potential future books I started but I've abandoned all of them for now. 

That's all.